
Counter strike global offensive nosteam multiplayer
Counter strike global offensive nosteam multiplayer

We hope to see more from you in the future.

counter strike global offensive nosteam multiplayer counter strike global offensive nosteam multiplayer

We want to thank everyone who took the time to contribute their work. CS: GO features new maps, characters, weapons, and game modes, and delivers updated versions of the classic CS content (dedust2, etc.). We’re currently contacting the winners, and will work with them over the coming weeks as we prepare their items to get shipped in the game. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) expands upon the team-based action gameplay that it pioneered when it was launched 19 years ago. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive No-Steam v. (2012/PC/Rus), CS:GO, Counter Strike, CS, CS:S, L4D, TF2, HL2DM, CoD, DoD:S -, ,. Like the previous games in the series, Global Offensive is an objective-based multiplayer first-person shooter.


The winning submissions were produced by 24 different artists, of which 14 were first-time contributors to the workshop. imgGames: Windows: Full Game: English About the game: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (abbreviated as CS:GO) is an online first-person shooter developed by Valve Corporation and Hidden Path Entertainment. So, an additional seven winning submissions were selected (17 winning entries total) for a grand total prize pool of $1.7 million. The CS:GO team reviewed the amazing work from artists and teams from all parts of the globe, and decided that ten winners wouldn’t be enough. Back in July we announced the Dreams & Nightmares Workshop Contest, a $1 mil art event offering the ten winning entries $100,000 each for their dream or nightmare themed weapon finish for CS:GO.īy the time the deadline for submissions hit in October, we had received over 15,000 entries.

Counter strike global offensive nosteam multiplayer